And now ?
The national employment insurance review commission has just finished it’s tour of public consultations. They began last August 26 to finish on October 10 th. In all, 21 consultations will have offered in 19 cities in the province, which means the presentation of some 170 briefs and 60 testimonies. The final report should be presented to the Government no later than November 30.
This report is awaited with impatience, even if the negative effects of the reform are well established.
Lets remember that the issue of clearly insufficient and inadequate health benefits is also well known and changes are still expected in this sense. The combined effects of the reform and these outdated sickness benefits can only be amplified. These situations will continue to contribute to the already significant degradation of the social safety net available to the population.
Thank you for continuing to sign and circulate the petition. The debate continues and will not end as long as changes are not made. On the other hand, the success of this approach relies on the citizens power used by each by signing my petition. A huge thank you to all!
Brief return to the existence of the plan and amendments proposed during the last reform:
The employment insurance system:
In 1941, the federal Government adopted the unemployment insurance act. In 1990, the Federal Government ceases to contribute. The system is financed by contributions from employers and employees. In 1996, the unemployment insurance system takes the name of employment insurance.
Despite several reforms since its inception, the EI retains its purpose: ensure workers against the risk of loss of employment. By contributing to the system, employees subscribe to group insurance. As a result of a job loss, they have right to receive income replacement benefits under certain conditions.
Changes in 2012:
In 2012, the federal Government made several changes to employment insurance regulations and modalities for its implementation. The six (6) most important are:
The creation of three categories of recipients: long time worker, occasionnal recipient and frequent recipient. These three categories have different job search obligations. A more precise definition of “suitable employment”. Frequent claimants would have to accept any job corresponding to their skills, if it is less than an hour’s travel from their place of residence save for certain exceptions, and this, even at a salary 30% lower than before.
The end of a pilot project extending benefits by five (5) weeks in regions with high unemployment. This project was to avoid the black holes of some seasonal workers, i.e. the period between the end of the benefits and the return to work.
The abolition of arbitrators boards and judge arbitrators in the second level of appeal. The constitution a of Social security tribunal (TSS), each appeal being heard by a single person.
Modification of the consideration of work gains by the elimination of the partial exemptions from these gains. The new formula provides the recovery of 50% of the earnings from work, and this, from the first dollar earned.
The tightening of controls of job search activities.
(Source : Nationale Employement insurance Examination Commission )